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Logistics management
It can realize the informatization and modernization of logistics management, improve the level and efficiency of logistics management, and reduce the management cost.
(1) Logistics-related information (such as box number, company code, box type, box type, gross weight, net weight, etc.) is stored in the electronic tag, and the information can be read and transmitted in a wireless, fast and automatic way to avoid errors caused by manual input.
  (2)、 Containers shall be transported from the inspection channel into the port to the storage yard by the consignment vehicle until loaded on board. Track and monitor the whole process of foreign containers from unloading to storage yard and consignment out of the customs, and record the information of containers, consignment vehicles, occurrence time, operators and so on.。
  (3)Automatic management of the storage yard Information exchange is carried out through the wireless network. The reader installed on the stacker automatically identifies the container number and quickly and accurately queries the stacking position and status of containers.
  (4)The registered management of the consignment vehicles, the installation of vehicle electronic tags, the automatic collection of vehicle information in the consignment process, the cancellation of complex document procedures, the reduction of access to the gate through time, reduce the workload of personnel.

Market competition is increasingly fierce, how to improve production efficiency, reduce operating costs, for enterprises is very important. Warehouse logistics management is widely used in various industries, the design and establishment of a complete set of warehouse management process, improve the warehouse turnover rate, reduce the occupation of working capital, make frozen assets into cash, reduce the cost caused by storage elimination, is an important link for enterprises to improve production efficiency.

The traditional barcode labels and manual warehouse management documents have been unable to meet the needs of modern warehouse management, RFID technology to identify the long distance, fast, not easy to damage, large capacity and other incomparable advantages of barcode has been successfully introd

RFID technology is now an advanced wireless technology supported by the state, RFID can enable many management to achieve wireless methods, and more commercial enterprises will continue to implement the code to bar project, in order to improve the efficiency of operation, but also try not to change the current logistics warehousing mode, RFID in logistics warehouse delivery inspection, warehousing, dispatch, transfers, move the library each work link data such as shift, taking stock of automated data collection, ensure logistics management each link data input speed and accuracy, ensure the timely and accurately grasp the inventory of the enterprise real data, reasonable to maintain and control the business inventories.
  • Product visualization
  • Improve accuracy
  • Improve efficiency
  • To reduce errors
  • Reduce the cost
  • Quality tracking