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Intelligent storage
RFID intelligent warehouse management features
1)、Real-time data sharing 2)、Process standard automation 3)、Quality tracking and traceability

RFID technology is bringing a huge change to the supply chain field, to identify the long distance, fast, not easy to damage, large capacity and other barcode incomparable advantages, simplify the complex workflow, effectively improve the efficiency and transparency of the supply chain.
Warehouse management system based on RFID is the introduction of RFID technology in the existing warehouse management, the arrival of the goods from a warehouse inspection, inbound, outbound, allocate, shift of the library, inventory inventory data in each operation link, such as automatic data acquisition, ensure warehouse management each link speed and accuracy of data input, to ensure that enterprises timely and accurately grasp the real data of inventory, Maintain and control enterprise inventory reasonably.
Warehouse management system based on RFID is the introduction of RFID technology in the existing warehouse management, the arrival of the goods from a warehouse inspection, inbound, outbound, allocate, shift of the library, inventory inventory data in each operation link, such as automatic data acquisition, ensure warehouse management each link speed and accuracy of data input, to ensure that enterprises timely and accurately grasp the real data of inventory, Maintain and control enterprise inventory reasonably.
Advantages of RFID intelligent warehouse management
Project value
  • Product visualization
    manual can reduce 20-30% of warehouse product visualization, reduce the risk of missing goods
  • mprove accuracy
    increase the availability of inventory by 5%~10%, improve the accuracy and reliability of storage information
  • Improve efficiency
    Improve the throughput of warehouse products, efficiently and accurately collect data, and provide operational efficiency
  • Reduce error
    automatic collection of incoming and outgoing data, reducing human error
  • Cost reduction
    reduce site management fee by 30%, reduce damage rate and write-off of expired goods by 20%, and reduce warehousing and logistics cost of enterprises