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Product Center
Logistics Warehouse Label

RFID technology has high accuracy in data collection. In the field of warehousing and logistics, the adoption of RFID technology to achieve batch group reading can comprehensively improve the business efficiency of warehouse receipt, inventory, check-out, goods positioning, warehouse location management, etc., achieve a high degree of visualization of data, and greatly improve the utilization rate of warehouse location. Effectively reduce labor costs and understand the current operational status.

The electronic tag is attached to the package or pallet of each cargo, with the detailed information of the cargo, storage location and other information written in the label. At the same time, the detailed information of the delivery party can be written when the goods enter or leave the warehouse, and fixed or handheld reading machines can be set up in the warehouse and each distribution pipeline to identify and detect the flow of goods. Optionally used in procurement, storage, production, manufacturing, packaging, loading and unloading, transportation, circulation processing, distribution, sales to the service of various business links and processes. It enables real-time and accurate control of the flow and change of business, logistics, information and capital flow in the whole supply chain.

The use of RFID technology, error - prone, and can not be copied, can be used for later product traceability. Can enhance the image of the enterprise, improve the competitiveness in the industry.